La Belle Province

Popular Hot Dog and Fries Restaurant / Franchise
Copyright Photo: La Belle Province - Quebec's Most Popular Hot Dogs and Fries by Montreal Photo Daily, on Flickr

Je me souviens

For those of you who are interested, here is an example of the silliness of Quebec politics. The Quebec licence plate used to say "La Belle Province" which means "The Beautiful Province", until the separatist party came into power in 1976. Shortly afterward, in a frenzy to remove the provincial connotation, the motto was changed to "Je me souviens" which means "I remember". Oddly enough, nobody knows what we're supposed to remember. And that's the truth!

Currently, La Belle Province is Quebec's most popular hot dog and fries restaurant franchise.


  1. I'm sure Quebec is a "Belle Province" but I haven't been there yet so I don't know firsthand!

  2. "Look up in the sky: it's a bird; it's a plane; it's...

  3. Quebec used to be La Belle Province and the separatist movement didn't do it any favours.

    BY the by, is Ben's still going opposite McGill?

    Cheers . . . Arija

  4. There's always something silly about politics! haha. Great shot. Love the expressions on their faces :D

  5. Good to know that we aren't the only ones with silly politics!

  6. They look afraid ... very afraid!

  7. Maybe the plates can read:

  8. Good one! haha. Great to hear from you Rockinon.

  9. You are supposed to remember that Quebec is the Beautiful Province!


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