A Final Spotlight on the Canada Day Parade

Copyright Photo: Balinese Banner and Umbrella by Montreal Photo Daily, on Flickr

Copyright Photo: The Balinese Gamelan 2 by Montreal Photo Daily, on Flickr

Copyright Photo: The Balinese Gamelan 1 by Montreal Photo Daily, on Flickr
Javanese Gamelan of Slendro Tuning Scale

Copyright Photo: The Balinese Gamelan Ensemble by Montreal Photo Daily, on Flickr
Javanese Gamelan of Slendro Tuning Scale

What's a gamelan ?
It is a musical ensemble from Indonesia, the most popular being from Bali or Java. In traditional Indonesian thinking, the gamelan is sacred and is believed to have supernatural powers. It is only played at certain occasions such as ritual ceremonies, special community celebrations, shadow puppet shows and for the royal family.

Well, you can't believe how excited I was when I heard that a gamelan would be appearing in the Canada Day Parade! But sure enough, there it was, passing right in front of me on an open-air float with several beds of shiny bronze "gong-chimes" and a variety of cymbals, metallophones and drums. An ensemble of 9 musicians produced a mesmerizing and enchanting melody that repeated itself over and over until the drummer gave a signal to change. As the music faded away down the street, it reminded me that this is what Canada is all about... We're a nation of diverse cultures blending and sharing each other's traditions. And, that's why this parade is so meaningful.


  1. indeed!!

    beautifully captured!!!

  2. I still find parades great fun.

  3. Oh wow! You're right, it's very diverse! I wouldn't have known it was Montreal if you hadn't told me :D

  4. Fascinating information and great photos. I bet it all sounded as good as it looks.


  5. This would have been amazing to see and hear. Nice photos. Have a good day!

  6. Wish I could have seen this parade! Thank you for sharing your day.

  7. What a great experience! You are right - it is so Canadian.

  8. Bali is one of my favorite places in Asia! I spent 10 days there in 1990 with two other English teachers during my time teaching in Japan!

  9. I have enjoyed your Canada Day parade and it is indeed a diverse city. That makes it interesting with great food!


  10. The Gamelan that participated in Canada Day Parade 2011 in downtown Montreal, is Javanese Gamelan of Slendro tuning scale.

  11. I really appreciate your bit of info. Gending! Thank you for the clarification. :)

  12. For you who wants to see more picture about Montreal Canada Day Parade from Indonesian community on 1st July 2011, and also on the other years, can visit the following link:


    You could also search on flickr : Montreal Canada Day Parade 1 st July 2011


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