Montreal Then and Now: Dominion Square

Dominion Square, Montreal 1915 by Montreal Photo Daily, on Flickr
 Dominion Square, Montreal 1915.
The building with the dome is the Windsor Hotel.
This is my photo of the print of the original photograph, part of
"Pieces of Pictures" exhibition on McGill College Ave. The original
by Wm. Notman & Son. is housed in the McCord Museum.

Copyright Photo: Dominion Square, Montreal 2011 by Montreal Photo Daily, on Flickr
Dominion Square, Montreal July 5, 2011.
 The Boer War Memorial by George W. Hill is dedicated to the 
Montrealers who fought alongside the British during the Boer War.

Dominion Square and Windsor Hotel, Montreal, QC, about 1890 by Montreal Photo Daily, on Flickr
Dominion Square and Windsor Hotel, Montreal, QC, ca. 1890
 By Wm. Notman & Son.
The domed southwest wing of the Windsor Hotel
was totally destroyed in a fire in 1957.

Then and Now: The Windsor Hotel------> CLICK HERE


  1. What a good idea to show a "then & now" photo. The only constant in Dominion Square is the central sculpture. Thank goodness that hasn't changed.

  2. Fascinating photo comparison Ken. That old building looked quite something too


  3. I love seeing these then and now photos. So many things have changed and yet some things just stay the same :-D

  4. There is a former train station turned into a hotel in London (the UK London) which looks pretty much exactly like this Windsor hotel.

  5. Good post - nice to see how things have changed!

  6. I think I like the old buildings best. Excellent photos.

  7. It's always interesting to compare the old photos with the new views of the city!
    C'est fun! Bon vendredi! Bon weekend!

  8. Gorgeous, these shots are very nice and interesting. Congratulations!

  9. I wonder what happened to my comment? Blogger must have eaten it all up. Great before and after shots and congratulations on your photo in the exhibition. Although it looks very modern now, I miss that lovely old hotel. Glass boxes, although full of interesting reflections, just don't hit the spot with me. I guess I belong to a more leisurely era.

  10. Arija, happy to hear from you today! I guess you missed my email... :)

  11. Interesting post of the 'then and now'. Great photos.

  12. I want to go back to 1915! Great comparison, the past wins.


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